Welcome to GOLA

The Global Online Learning Alliance (GOLA) was created by Brains Global, with supporting partners, in response to the impact of the Covid pandemic on the education community around the world. More than 3,000 officials from government, multilateral agencies, civil society, schools, universities, and industry have participated. GOLA brings together the world’s education community in a productive and collaborative manner so that everyone can share ideas to meet the challenges that lie ahead. Please take time to explore our site and download reports from previous meetings, including recent UNESCO GEM Report consultations.

The video meetings are private by invitation-only with keynote opening presentations followed by small break-out groups so that everyone in the meeting has their voice to share ideas, knowledge, and experiences. These are a constructive and secure place for officials from around the world to collaborate and make genuine policy recommendations. We disseminate these into a post-meeting report, operating a form of electronic Chatham House rule, whereby no quote is attributed to any individual who speaks in the break-out groups. Please see our upcoming meetings section.

What Have We Learnt?

The GOLA meetings have revealed deep concerns exposed by COVID. Please download previous reports to hear how policy makers are now re-thinking their education ecosystems in terms of national resilience.



Hosted Meetings

We regularly organise GOLA meetings both worldwide and regional. The success and security of the format has proved highly productive and we are here to support both governments and industry in your own efforts. Given ongoing restrictions, Ministries of Education are now assessing the best ways to deliver services online such as teacher training. Equally education industry leaders are looking at new methods for engaging and working with their governmental and development partners. GOLA can do this for you. Please contact us for further discussion.



The Changing Education Landscape

ICT infrastructures, teaching capacity, the assessment conundrum, online safeguarding, curriculum reform and the need to embed blended learning are all key touch-points and all efforts are being made to ensure that the best practices and pedagogies prepare young people for the future. Join our upcoming meetings to be part of the discussion.


GOLA Achievements

  • Worldwide Participation

    Over 85 countries

  • Policy Recommendations

    Adapting to the new normal

  • Stimulating, Secure Conversations

    Officials sharing knowledge for the first time

  • Detailed Dissemination

    Post-meeting reports available to all

  • Unique Presentations

    Specially prepared for each GOLA meeting

  • High-Level Officials & Champions of Education

    Senior governmental and inter-governmental leaders